Monday 22 October 2012

Hacking scandal sweeps Mirror stable

The Australian has reported that Rupert Murdoch is not the only one who has taken part in phone hacking, an ex-staff member of the Daily Mirror, James Hipwell, has gone on record saying that he witnessed phone hacking at the Daily Mirror. Mr Morgan, the Mirror's editor at the time, was once the editor of the News of the World. Hipwell has also said that under Mr Morgan's editorship, phone hacking was commonly used to make stories and that everyone was open about phone hacking as it was not seen as unethical or illegal. Mr Morgan denied the claims from Hipwell and targeted Hipwell's credibility instead.

What Natalie's Media Spot says:

Another news group using phone hacking to create stories? I won't be surprised if more companies are accused of it. To editors it probably seems like the easiest way to get stories, they no longer have to leave their offices, just listen to a few phone calls or voice mails  however, it isn't right. A person, no matter how famous they are, is still entitled to their own privacy. And what a good way to try and take the spotlight off you, just attack the accusers credibility. No matter how much Mr Morgan denies it, an ex-staff member shedding light to this issue would have put some doubt in people's minds.

Wilson, P 2012, 'Hacking scandal sweeps Mirror stable', Australian, 23 October, viewed 23 October 2012.

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