Monday, 8 October 2012

American's can't stay away

This week, The Australian has pointed out that half of all adult Americans now own either a tablet computer or a smartphone, and one-third use their mobile devices to view news stories and video clips at least once a week.
About 20 per cent of the mobile news users surveyed said they paid for an online subscription in the last year.

What Natalie's Media Spot says:

We can't say we didn't see this coming. Yes, there are still peole who don't have a smartphone, tablet or still use printed newpapers, but when someone offers us something easier, of course we will take it!

Now we can access newspapers and news articles from wherever we are, but there is a catch, you usually have to pay for it. So why do we bother still buying going to the news agency and buying newspapers if we can get it on our phone? Tradition. We're so used to the print newspapers and the tradition of getting up on a Sunday morning, buying the paper and reading it with a hot coffee. 

Australian 2012, 'Half of US adults own tablet or smartphone, Australia, 1 October, viewed 1 October 2012.

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