Thursday 1 November 2012

It's time to reflect

Creating a blog is a great way to share things; your stories, advice, news issues, just about anything but that doesn't mean people will actually read it. The main thing I learnt when creating this blog was just how hard it is write posts that are engaging and interesting, posts that will make readers subscribe and want to see more and more. How do you know what to write about? You don't. I think the only thing you can do is trial and error. Write something and if you don't get good reactions then, try again. Write about what interests you and I'm sure there will be someone else who is interested too.

Throughout writing this blog, I learnt a lot about good design. I learnt that there needs to be consistency. You can't just throw things on the page, there needs to be a pattern, something that will assist your readers. It's also very important to reference material that you have used from another source but you can't let these references interrupt your readers. Reading a blog is quite casual, so it's a good idea to put references at the end of a post, rather than in the middle of text.

In relation to designing my blog, I wanted to use a layout that would be easy to read. I feel that the layout I used allows a good amount of white space which makes it easy on the eyes. The way in which it lays out the posts helps guide the readers eyes from one post to another. It ensures headings are significantly emphasised in comparison to the rest of the text.

But not everybody likes blogs...

I think blogs are great though! You can use them for just about anything from writing your personal stories to giving advice. It allows people to find other people who share the same interests and form some sort of a bond over these shared interests. It gives people a reason to write aimlessly and feel important, like someone is listening to them. People can feel like they are helping someone by giving them advice and sharing their tips. It gives people a chance to voice their opinion to people who care or to argue their point.

Blogs allowed me to share my opinions on document designing, even if people didn't care about it. It gave me the chance to share, teach and help other people.

So, thank you for reading my blog!

Image source: Productivite

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